Naz Hatchery

The industrial incubation of eggs means the use of an incubator to care for eggs to hatch, and many poultry farmers resort to this method, and its advantage lies in the fact that the conditions of incubation are ready and guaranteed from the moment the eggs are laid, and it also provides many of the spaces that the mothers who laid eggs need to move and look after with her young. In general, that artificial incubation is suitable for eggs between the ages of 24 hours and seven days, and the period should not exceed that because the chance of hatching eggs after the incubation period will be greatly reduced, and they are stored in cold storage warehouses. The eggs are washed well before they enter the incubation, and a worker constantly checks them to make sure they are hot and kept wet when the date of hatching is approaching.

Moisture the hatching machine must contain water or any source of moisture, so that the evaporated water from the inside of the egg is replaced during the growth process of the fetu,s in order to hatch from the egg at the end, a good healthy check. The humidity required for chicken eggs ranges between 40 to 50% during most of the egg incubation period, but during the last three days t(days 18 to 21 or shortly thereafter) it must be raised to between 65 to 75% due to the sensitivity of the last stage before hatching.

The temperature needed to take care of hatching eggs and ensure the growth and development of chicken it is between 37 and 38 degrees Celsius, and this degree depends on the nature of the incubation as well as the machine used to perform the operation. The appropriate temperature for caring for Turkey eggs is 37.5 degrees, while ducks range from 37 to 37.8 degrees. It should be noted that any change in these temperatures for a long time may cause problems in the spawning process, and may reduce the incidence of hatching a lot, as chicken embryos are very sensitive in this period, and you may die instantly from temperature changes. The temperature must be maintained within these limits during the first period of incubation, [4] but in the last 3 days before hatching (approximately 18 to 21 days) the temperature should be reduced by only one degree, because of the temperature resulting from metabolism inside the egg compensates for the temperature, and the recent temperature ranges from 36.5 to 37.3 degrees Celsius.